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WhatsApp Image 2020-01-03 at



Hi there, I am Holly! Nice to meet you.


Welcome to my blog, Rojak Movies. This is a blog exploring the development and current situation of Malaysian movie industry. It gets its name, Rojak Movies, because of the local movies’ multicultural, multiracial, and multilingual characteristics. 


The blog is created with the core objective to draw at least some people’s attention to the local movies. The blog writer will discuss the current situation of local movies from the perspective of a millennial, in hopes that Generation Y and Z of the country grab the chance to discover the beauty of local movies.


Besides, this blog is built to appreciate the hard work and effort of local movie makers who are always neglected by the public but still putting all their hearts in creating high-quality films.


Due to the multiracial nature of Malaysia, the cultural diversity paints the local movies with unique colours. And that is the beauty of rojak. Local movies should be appreciated because they are products of local filmmakers’ hard work and also the reflection of every Malaysian’s real life.



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