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The Short Film: Melissa

Melissa, a 9-year-old girl forms a bond with her captor... Could you imagine being a friend with a captor when you are the victim? This...

What Are the Problems of Local Movies? : Part III

In previous two articles (Part I / Part II), I have told you my opinions on why the growth of Malaysian movies is stunted despite...

What Are the Problems of Local Movies? : Part II

In the previous blog post, I have discussed with you the problem of separation along ethnic lines that splits the local film industry...

What Are the Problems of Local Movies? : Part I

Local movies do not receive much attention from the public, as compared with the foreign blockbuster movies which always bring a...

Local Movies in Eyes of a Local

What is Movie to me? Does movie reflect reality? No, not really. Although it does imitate people’s lives in some ways, it cannot...

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